Thursday, October 2, 2008

List of Saung Angklung Bandung

Plays, art Angklung many a personal need. Musical instruments made of bamboo, the application has digoyangkan. Hence, these devices are Skirl very typical.
Angklung Forms consist of two sections of bamboo calung in different sizes depending on the needs of high and low sound - instruments form. Only the purchase of sound is calung beaten Angklung like art, but digoyangkan antarunsur Angklung can touch the body one sound.
Angklung Angklung is now developing the tone of the diet, developed by artists Angklung Daeng Soetigna. Therefore dikenap it Daeng Soetigna musical treasures like father Angklung Sunda chromatic diatonic scale, the artists, the change in tone pioneer Pentatonic Angklung (da-na-mi-ti-la-da, drum Salendro) as it developed in areas as Pandeglang and Banten attack in diatonic tone. Bantam Angklung art is better than beans Pentatonic known gubrag Angklung art, or Angklung Angklung Sered.

The latest development of type Angklung (diet) has become quite popular art, it's good enough in society, especially the upper middle class. This form of training in the Art Orchestra (3-60 persons) consume usually from abroad by government officials or pernyambutan official guesthouse. Accordingly, it is no wonder if that's art, including one of the art, which often appear in court condition.

Place recommended:Saung Angklung udjoKABUMI UPI BandungGentra Opa YAPARI STBA ABAKPA SMUN 3 BandungSDN Ministry of Health. Toha
Complete List
Elementary & Junior High BPI AngklungGi "l. Burangrang No. 8
Angklung SD Salman Al FinchJL. Tubagus Ismail III
Angklung Sukarasa SD 345JL. Sukarasa Bandung
SDN Angklung Ministry of Health. TohaJL. Ministry of Health. No Toha '22
Angklung SDPN SabangJL. Sabang No. 2
Angklung SMU Bandung PGII aJL. Cihampelas No. '173
Angklung SMU YasJL. H. H. F. Mustapa No. 155
Angklung SMUN second BandungJL. Cihampelas No. '173
V Corps Angklung CAV () SMUN 5 BandungJL. Belitung No. 8
Gentra Opa STBA YAPARI ABA BandungJL. Cihampelas No. '194
KABUMI UPI BandungJL. Dr. Setiabudi No. '229
KPA SLTPN 28 BandungJL. Solo II Tongan
KPA SMUN 3 BandungJL. Belitung No. 8
Saung Angklung udjoGi "l. Padasuka No 118a

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