Badeng is a form of art, the musical aspect with Angklung stress as the main instrument. Loops are Badeng Malangbong village district, Garut. Serves as entertainment for the Islamic da'wa. But because the company allegedly Badeng the ancient pre-Islam used on the events associated with the rice planting rituals. How to trust the art Badeng developed since the propagation of Islam evangelize in the region around the 16th Or 17th century. Grinding population at the time to learn and Arpa Nursaen, the religion of Islam in the kingdom of Demak. After returning from Demak the people call on the religion of Islam spread. One of the means to spread Islam is the art of the Badeng.
Angklung used by nine parts, namely two Angklung Roel, intelligence Angklung, ovarian 4 Angklung Angklung and father, has two children Angklung: Dogdog two fruits, two fly or gembyung and kecrek. The text is a mixed Sunda language Arabic. The development is now also used in Indonesia. Text content values of Islam and good advice, and the needs of the event. In addition to the show tunes, displays, presented kesaktian attractions, such as cutting the body with sharp weapons.
Badeng Title: Lailahaileloh, Ya'ti, Kasreng, Yautike, Lilimbungan, Solaloh.
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